About Us
The NDFF management team is led by Professor Alwyn Seeds (Director), together with Professor Dimitra Simeonidou (Technical Director), Professor Periklis Petropoulos, Professor Richard Penty and Dr Martyn Fice (Deputy Director).
NDFF Management Team
Prof Alwyn Seeds (UCL), Prof Dimitra Simeonidou (Bristol), Prof Periklis Petropoulos (Southampton), Prof Richard Penty (Cambridge) and Dr Martyn Fice (UCL).
NDFF Management Board
Responsibility for the management of NDFF rests with the NDFF Management Board.
NDFF Management Board members
Chair: Professor Alwyn Seeds, Director.
Members: Professor Dimitra Simeonidou from Bristol, Director (Technical), Dr Martyn Fice (Deputy Director), Professor Richard Penty from University of Cambridge, Professor Periklis Petropoulos from University of Southampton, and Richard Morgan from Janet.
Additional members may be added from other major dark fibre providers to NDFF, as agreements are concluded. The Board meets monthly, with additional meetings as required and extensive use of teleconference technologies. The Board determines resource allocation policy, monitors and directs technical progress and develops and updates the NDFF risk register. Board Members have line management responsibility for management of NDFF staff at their respective sites in delivering NDFF services to users in accordance with Board decisions.
NDFF External Advisory Board
The NDFF Management Board is advised by an External Advisory Board comprising members from the user community and leading international researchers in the communications and dark fibre research field.
NDFF External Advisory Board members
Chair: Andrew Lord (BT)
Members: James Dynes (Toshiba Research), Piet Demeester (IDLab, Ghent University), Jaafar Elmirghani (KCL), Maria Ionescu, Inder Monga (ESnet), Ben Scott (UKRI - EPSRC)
The External Advisory Board meets twice a year - including the Annual User Meeting - to review progress, plans and the Impact agenda, to advise on technical and management matters, for knowledge transfer and to advise the Board on resource allocation and priorities in meeting user requests. The External Advisory Board also make the final decision on appeals from users not satisfied with the priorities set by the Management Board.
NDFF University site representatives
Bristol: Dr Rui Wang, rui.wang@bristol.ac.uk
Cambridge: Dr Adrian Wonfor, aw300@cam.ac.uk, 01223 748355